
What actions has brad boston taken since 2001 in

write a 3-page (single-spaced; excluding references) analyticalreport to address 3of the listed questions for each selected case.

These case studies are available online from Harvard Business School Publishing.

Your report should be organized according to the three questions.

Each report requires research beyond the case statement. Include at least four references in addition to the case statement and lecture notes.

Incorporate the assigned readings and conceptual frameworks in your analysis.

Use subheadings and/or bullets to improve the clarity of the report.

Follow the format for full citation (author, title, source, date/year, page number, URL), and in-text reference (author, year).

You don't need to write an introduction about the company's background.

Cisco's case should be analyzed with the IT governance models covered in Weill and Ross chapters.

What actions has Brad Boston taken since 2001 in centralizing Cisco's IT planning and strategies? Assess the impact of these actions on Cisco's performance.

What are the major responsibilities and contribution of Cisco's Business Process Operating Committee (BPOC)? What challenges has BPOC faced in supporting Boston's IT vision?

Discuss the factors that BPOC should consider in prioritizing the e-customer initiative proposed by the customer advocacy group to implement a global Customer Interaction Network. If the proposal was turned down, what should Boston communicate to the proposing team?

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