
What actions christians take for environment restoration

Draft a 1200-word (4-5-page) essay using the Toulmin Model argument in response to the following prompt:

  • What specific action(s) should Christians take regarding the environment and its preservation or restoration?

For this assignment, be sure to:

  • Follow the appropriate formatting style for your degree program (MLA, APA, or Turabian).
  • Use at least five external sources (including relevant readings in your textbook and/or any other sources you might find).
  • Use a combination of quotes, summaries, and paraphrases.
  • Use signal phrases and proper in-text citations.
  • Include a References/Works Cited page, which lists all sources you used, including any images. Note: Any images you might use in your essay to support your argument must not take up more than 1/3 of a page (with 1" margins), and they will not count in the total page count for the assignment.
  • Conduct your own research. Some website resources are listed in the Reading and Study folder; however, they are just a start.

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Other Subject: What actions christians take for environment restoration
Reference No:- TGS0547690

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