Problem: What Accounting treatment for Properties under Development?
Properties under Development: The cost of includes all expenditures incurred in connection with the acquisition, including all direct development costs, realty taxes and other costs to prepare it for its productive use and borrowing costs directly attributable to the development. Borrowing costs associated with direct expenditures on properties under development or redevelopment is capitalized. Borrowing costs are also capitalized on the purchase cost of a site or property acquired specifically for redevelopment in the short term if the activities necessary to prepare the asset for development or redevelopment are in progress- Borrowing costs are capitalized from the commencement of the development until the date of practical completion. The capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended if there are prolonged periods when development activity is interrupted. The Company considers practical completion to have occurred when the property is capable of operating in the manner intended by management. Generally, this consideration occurs on completion of construction and receipt of all necessary occupancy and other material permits. Where the Company has pre-leased space as of or prior to the start of the development and the lease requires the Company to construct tenant improvements that enhance the value of the property, practical completion is considered to occur on completion of such improvements.
Real estate properties under development are measured at fair value, with changes in fair value being recognized in the consolidated statements of income when fair value can be reliably determined.
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