
What about the subject resonates with your life

Assignment task: Introduction to Psychology

Visit the TED Talks website and search for a talk on the subject of psychology. Watch a talk of your choice that interests you, as long as it is a minimum of 8 minutes in length. At the top of your response, include the title of the TED Talk, the name of the presenter, when it was filmed, along with a link to the video. Remember, the TED Talk: How to Make Stress your Friend is part of assignment four and cannot be used for assignment one.

In a written assignment respond to the following:

Give a summary of the TED talk, emphasizing the speaker's main points

What did you find most interesting about the talk, and what about the subject resonates with your life?

What type of data or evidence did the presenter show to back up his or her information?

How can you apply this information to your life? Explain how these concepts presented can be applied to relationships and interactions with others.

Read the biographical information and do some basic background research on the presenter. What area of psychology do they work in? More specifically, which psychological perspective would you say best fits the type of work they do? Why?

What other questions would you have for this presenter if you could have a conversation with him or her? What else would you like to know about the topic?

Cite at least one reference on the topic not used in this module

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Other Subject: What about the subject resonates with your life
Reference No:- TGS03377239

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