What about the overall energy situation


U.S. ENERGY SOURCES AND USES The Energy Information Agency (www.eia.doe.gov) of the United States government contains a treasure trove of data about both U.S. and international energy generation and consumption. Go to the Historical Data Overview page and notice the Energy Flow diagram that appears at the upper right. Click on the diagram to expand it and then look it over. The diagram gives energy consumption and usage for the United States for the most recent year for which data is available. Is the United States totally dependent on oil imports? What fraction of its oil consumption does it have to import? Is it strange that even though the country is a net importer of petroleum, it exports some petroleum, too? What about the overall energy situation? What percentage of its overall energy consumption can it fulfill with domestically produced energy? What fraction of domestic production comes from renewable energy sources? Is this higher or lower than you were expecting?

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Microeconomics: What about the overall energy situation
Reference No:- TGS02109567

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