
What about the issue of forced

Please reword these paragraphs in your own words DO NOT USE the same words as in the paragraphs. Thanks.

The competing values framework (CVF) provides a practical way for managers to understand, measure, and change organizational culture. There are four types or organizational culture; clan culture, adhocracy culture, market culture, and hierarchy culture. Clan culture describes companies that have an internal, family-type, focus that encourages collaboration, trust, and support to achieve effectiveness. Adhocracy culture describes companies that have an external focus on creating new products and services by being creative and adapting quickly to changes. Market culture describes companies that value stability and control. Competition drives these organizations with a high focus on customers and profits. Hierarchy culture describes companies that have an internal focus valuing stability and control over flexibility.

At my company, the elements that have the greatest influence on organizational culture are create and collaborate. Without the create element, we would remain the same and end up losing out on business because our competitors would keep moving forward while we remained the same. To remain competitive in the business we must keep up with the technological advances. Collaboration is key to keeping employees involved and motivated. The morale of the workers and the company's investment in developing them, keeps employees and their knowledge in the company and hopefully not leaving to go work for a competitor.

Culture is defined as the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments. The four characteristics of organizational culture are shared concept, learned over time, influences our behavior at work, and impacts outcomes at multiple levels. There are five elements that drive organizational culture; the founder's values, the industry and business environment, the national culture, the organizations vision and strategies, and the behavior of leaders. These drivers of organizational culture influence the structure and internal processes of the company which drive the group and social processes. This flow then affects work attitudes and behaviors which impacts the outcomes of the organization.

Stress is defined as an adaptive response to environmental demands, referred to as stressors, that produce adaptive responses that include physical, emotional, and behavioral reactions that are influenced by individual differences. This is basically the interaction between person and environmental factors as potential causes or remedies for stress. Eustress is described as "good stress" where the stress generates positive emotions and creates motivation, such as going on a first date.

It is important for managers to be actively aware of what issues are causing employees stress to try to reduce these stressors. Workplace stress can cause decreases in job satisfaction, performance, positive emotions, and commitment. Stress also increases turnover or burnout in employees. For the organization to retain its skilled and knowledgeable workforce, they must try to reduce stress to keep employees happy and motivated.

In my workplace, one of the causes me stress are when I have meetings with high level leadership and we aren't making our schedule. I don't like explaining why my team isn't making their goals. Another stress for me is our part shortages. If I cannot get parts on time, I will not be able to make my product on time. I get stressed out dealing with our procurement organization. The third thing that stresses me out is the unpredictability of the business. We have orders booked for several years but customers can cancel those orders or things can happen that cause us to lose business to competitors. I cannot really control that other than to make sure I keep customers happy by maintaining on time delivery but I still worry about our future progress. I deal with these stressed by doing the best that I can every day and utilizing my resources to make sure I am not trying to carry the load by myself. I know that I can only do my best and the rest will fall into place.

With that being said I think that several of these work hand in hand. For instance need for improvement to stay ahead of the competition as well as technology being involved in that equation as well. I know from my own situation that we are always trying to improve on operations and procedures to make the company and it's processes as well as it's finished products making them more appealing to current and future customers. These changes that I have seen have been for the better and have not been made out of necessity. Proactive and self policing for the most part take away they need for change to be a reactive one.

Please answer these questions in your own words.


How can mentoring programs help to drive and shape organizational culture?identifies five career functions (Sponsorship, Exposure & visibility, Coaching, Protecting, and Challenging assignments) and four psychosocial functions (Role modeling, Acceptance & confirmation, Counseling, and Friendship). Which is more to you when looking to either mentor or be mentored, the career functions or the psychosocial functions? Why?


How might a leader go about creating an organizational culture based on shared beliefs and values? If you were the CEO, how might you go about creating a shared set of beliefs for the organization? How might your approach vary depending on the size and type of organization?


What about the issue of forced change? For example, recently in the news there has been a lot of talk about different companies merging or being bought up by competitors. What type impact do you think there is on an organizational culture when two different companies with desperate cultures merge together? What specific examples from you think of from the news recently? Using Lewin's model, how long before the new corporate culture could have been refrozen into place

4-Do you think that people are more willing to accept a higher level of stress if they are paid more? Why do you think that may (or may not) be the case? Have you ever been willing to accept a higher stressed job because the pay was better (or a lower paid job because it was less stressful)? Why is money a factor?

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Finance Basics: What about the issue of forced
Reference No:- TGS01153571

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