
What about the impacts of people from different careers

A. Do research or find a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal article that is related to leadership and motivation with emphasis on morality, write a short summary of the content of the article. If it is not a scholarly journal article, please use a source that would be regarded as professional (e.g. Wall Street Journal, New York Times, the Atlantic, Forbes, etc.). Include a complete, APA-correct reference at the end of your response.

B. What are the types of diversity are present in the workforce? What are the impacts of globalization, multiculturalism, and a diverse workforce? What is your experience with these? Also, diversity is sometimes perceived as a negative, a nuisance. What are positive aspects of having a diverse workforce and what are some of the challenges? What do you learn from listening to people who are unlike you? What about the impacts of people from different careers, educational backgrounds, and knowledge bases coming together to solve organizational problems? What do you conclude about the impacts of diversity?

Use these sources below for a & b (Each should have separate reference or references)

Required Reading:
- Castaneda, Mario E., and Justin Bateh. "Strategies For Multicultural Management: Communication And A Common Set Of Values." Journal of International Education Research (JIER) 9.1 (2013): 41-46.

- Dobbin, F. &Kalev, A. (2016). Why Diversity Programs Fail. Harvard Business Review, 94 (7/8), 52-60. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search database at Touro library.

- Hofstede, G. Dimensions of national culture.

- Ruiz-Jimenez, J., Fuentes-Fuentes, M., Ruiz-Arroyo, M. (2016). Knowledge Combination Capability and Innovation: The Effect of Top Management Teams in Technology Based Firms, Journal of Business Ethics, 135 (3), 503-515. EBSCO Multi-search TUW Library.

- Williams, J. C. (2014). Hacking Tech's Diversity Problem. Harvard Business Review, 92(10), 94-100. EBSCO Multi-search TUW Library.A. Give your view on the definition of Corporate Social Responsibility. After completing the readings and watching our videos, (a) give your own definition of corporate social responsibility; (b) tell us whether or not corporate social responsibility is still important to business in the 21st Century; and (c) discuss how is an organization's reputation might be affected by their social responsibility activity?

B. Imagine you are the organization's Chief Compliance Officer in one of the following industries:
- Banking
- Consumer Products
- Education/University
- Healthcare

Identify and list your organization's compliance obligations and the relevant agencies you must report compliance issues to, as well as any annual milestones to which you must adhere. Outline a strategy you would use to develop an organizational compliance culture, including policies, assignment of responsibilities and report preparation.

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