What about place are you willing to travel or relocate or

Marketing Plan exercise

1. What about place? Are you willing to travel or relocate? Or do you need an employer close to home? How will you travel to the employer? Is telecommuting an option?

2. How will you promote yourself? A carefully constructed cover letter, résumé, business card, and personal Web site can all help communicate your skills to a potential employer.

3. Think carefully about pricing issues, including salary, commission, bonuses, overtime, flexible time, insurance, and other benefits. What is a fair price for you? What is a normal price for a company of that size in that industry to offer?

4. And finally, how will you implement your plan? That is, what is your plan for applying to companies? How will you contact them for potential interviews? How will you prepare your wardrobe and work on your interviewing skills? When job offers come in, how will you evaluate them? If job offers don't come in, can you find out why and control for these aspects?

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Operation Management: What about place are you willing to travel or relocate or
Reference No:- TGS02879918

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