
What a rank abundance curve can tell us about communities

Q1. Describe how a line transect can be used to describe an ecotone in a community.

Q2. Explain what a rank abundance curve can tell us about communities?

Q3. Explain why a majority of ecosystems are most species rich at moderate productivity levels rather than at very low or very high productivity?

Q4. Explain why more diverse habitats (Fig. 17.13) (habitat heterogeneity) leads to higher diversity values of animal species?

Q5. How do trophic guilds reduce competition and aid in niche separation?

Q6. How do pioneer species facilitate future species of succession?

Q7. What stage of succession would you expect the highest animal diversity?  Explain why?

Q8. Explain why species that occur early in succession would have a large number of small-wind driven seeds that can be viable for many years, as well as fast shoot growth, and low shade tolerance?

Q9. How do facilitation and inhibition change the pace of succession and or communities that develop during succession?

Q10. How can fire frequency or animal grazing intensity contribute to alternative stable states in an ecosystem?

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Science: What a rank abundance curve can tell us about communities
Reference No:- TGS03313040

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