One-page report about India's
· Ethnic groups
· Political system and current political situation around 600 words.
Students will be put into groups of 3 by the instructor to produce a written report on the culture of a particular country. The goals of this project are to help students develop a more profound cultural understanding of a particular country and region, apply class theories to their projects and develop writing and presentation skills.
Students will be randomly allocated a "cluster" of countries from which they must choose a specific country to research and study.
The report shall be 6 pages long plus references and a cover page (i.e. 8 pages in total). Reports should be single spaced with a 11-12 point font. Clearly mark the group members and country on a cover page.
The instructor shall allocate time IN CLASS to doing the research, writing the report and creating a presentation.
Students will present their findings in class. Presentations will last 10-15 per group and all group members are obliged to speak.
The contents of the report shall be as follows:
- Cluster Name
- Country Name
- Brief history of the country, cultural influences
- Principal Religions
- Principal Languages
- Ethnic groups
- Political system and current political situation
- Economic System and current Economic situation (e.g. principal exports, imports, industries, currency, openness to foreign investment etc.)
- Cultural indicators (see later in course)
- Managerial Culture (how firms manage, what a foreign firm should think about adapting to manage successfully in this country)
- What a Canadian manager in Canada should take into account when managing an immigrant employee from that country.