
Wgich market failure is responsible for government intervent

Argument and Market Failure

When a rule is proposed, it is usually because an agency is trying to solve a problem typically caused by a failure in the market. You are a market analyst in a well-known think tank. Think tanks, or policy research groups, often compile reports on new regulations and the issues they aim to address.

For this assignment, assess and argue for what kind of market failure is responsible for this government intervention in a 5 paragraph persuasive report. A nuanced understanding of existing kinds of market failure and applicability to your rule is crucial to the success of this assignment.

Your introductory paragraph should introduce your rule and state your claim.

Your claim will be your argument, or your position on the issue.

• In your argument, you'll be identifying the specific market failure that you believe is most responsible for the proposed government intervention.

Your first body paragraph should provide support for your claim using evidence provided from regulations.gov, class notes, and other reputable informational websites.

Your second body paragraph should explain and support a potential counterclaim. For example, are there other market failures that could arguably be responsible? Or, is there arguably no market failure? Is it possible that other factors are driving governmental intervention? Provide evidence for whichever counterclaim you are making.

Your third body paragraph should rebut the counterclaim and establish the superiority of your position. Do not repeat the arguments made in the initial supporting paragraph. Introduce new support for your argument by arguing against the evidence you provided when arguing the counterclaim.

Your conclusion should clearly articulate the message to the reader implied by your position. How should this shape their outlook and/or their actions?

The word limit is 750-1000 words. Make sure your claim is focused enough for the scope of a short report. Cite appropriately.

1" margins on all sides
12 pt Times New Roman
Single-spaced with double spacing between paragraphs
APA citations where needed and a works cited/references page

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Marketing Management: Wgich market failure is responsible for government intervent
Reference No:- TGS01764055

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