Wetlands and estuaries are transitional biomes. Land that remains flooded either part of the year or permanently with fresh or salt water is known as wetland. The internationally accepted definition of wetlands is: Areas of fen, peatland or water whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, static or flowing, fresh, brackish or marine water, the depth of which does not exceed six metres. Bogs, swamps, marshes are covered by freshwater and found inland. These are known as island wetlands, those found on the coast and covered by seawater are known as coastal wetlands . Wetlands provide a variety of fish and wildlife and are major breeding, nesting and migration staging areas for water birds and shorebirds. Importance of wetlands cannot be underestimated as they act as traps and filters for water that move through them reducing flooding. As a result, sediments are deposited and chemical interactions in wetlands neutralize and detoxify substances in water and slow seeping of water into the ground helps to replenish underground water reserves.