Please 350-500 words about African people/help my autobiography. As I am unsure as how to write this.
We are african american, unsure of our families U.S/ entrance.
· When did your/their family(ies) come to the U.S.? I am unsure of when/where my families came from. My surname is Arvie, my husband is a freeman and my mothers father a ledet. My grandparents have always been in Vidrine Louisiana and their parents as well.
· From where did your/their family(ies) come?
· Do you trace your/their family heritage to more than one country outside the U.S.? Which countries?
· What language(s) did your/their relatives speak?
english and creole french
·the language was not passed down to children and grandchildren.
· Were you or any of your or their family being researched have family that was adopted? How has this impacted your/their ability to know your/their family's history? no adopted family
· To which race(s) or ethnic group(s) do your/their ancestors belong? black/african american and indian (attakapa)
· How do you define your/their racial/ethnic identity?
· Are you/they a first-generation American? i dont think so.
· If you/they have any Native American heritage, know someone else who does, or find a celebrity that does, please answer the three questions below:
o Do you/they have some Native American heritage (or Amerindian heritage from other countries in the Americas)? From which tribe(s) is this heritage? Be as specific as possible. My paternal grandmother was an indian (Attakapa) research tribe history
o Are you/they a formal member of the tribe(s)? no none of us are.
o Do you consider your/their identity Native American? If so, to which tribe(s) do you belong?
Student Autobiography Worksheet
Answer the following questions about your family's background or a family of your choice (all that you know or can find out).
• When did your/their family(ies) come to the U.S.?
• From where did your/their family(ies) come?
• Do you trace your/their family heritage to more than one country outside the U.S.? Which countries?
• What language(s) did your/their relatives speak?
• Do you or any of your/their relatives speak a non-English language? Which language(s)?
• Were you or any of your or their family being researched have family that was adopted? How has this impacted your/their ability to know your/their family's history?
• To which race(s) or ethnic group(s) do your/their ancestors belong?
• How do you define your/their racial/ethnic identity?
• Are you/they a first-generation American?
• If you/they have any Native American heritage, know someone else who does, or find a celebrity that does, please answer the three questions below:
o Do you/they have some Native American heritage (or Amerindian heritage from other countries in the Americas)? From which tribe(s) is this heritage? Be as specific as possible.
o Are you/they a formal member of the tribe(s)?
o Do you consider your/their identity Native American? If so, to which tribe(s) do you belong?
Combine these answers into a statement (350 to 700 words) defining your/their complex identity.