
Were there inconsistencies in the arguments did the teams

Team Debate Instructions

1. Purpose

a. To give you a chance to research and present arguments on issues with ethical implications.

b. To practice presenting positions even if you do not agree with them.

c. To evaluate assumptions, reasoning, quality of supporting evidence (quality of sources and relevance of data) in drawing conclusions about issues with ethical implications.

2. Process

a. Each team makes a 5-8 minute presentation arguing their position.

b. Rebuttal (3 minutes): Both teams will take questions from the other side. Make sure your team has at least a couple of good questions for the other team.

c. Lastly, both teams will take questions from the class; class participation is required.

d. The class should consider: Were there inconsistencies in the arguments? Did the teams define their terms? Did the teams state their assumptions?

Were alternatives considered and addressed? Did the teams justify their reasoning? Were arguments supported by facts? Did the teams miss any major points? Which team was more persuasive?

3. Format for Debate

a. Opening statement introducing the team and its topic.

b. Present team's main arguments supported by evidence.

c. Closing statement where summing up main points and adding any interesting information that might not have fit in the main arguments.

4. Good Performance

a. Clear arguments supported by evidence from your research.

b. Adherence to time limits

c. Evidence that the team worked together.

d. A wide range of quality references. Wikipedia is not to be cited.

e. Visuals only should add "punch" to the presentation - graphs, charts, key words, etc.

f. Connect with the audience - do NOT read off notes or slides.

g. Business causal dress by all team members

5. Miscellaneous

a. No written report but each team should submit a list of references for specific data that was used in the debate and the arguments that they supported.

b. Each team will receive a team grade; if there is evidence that some member(s) contributed minimally, I reserve the right to give them a separate grade. If you cannot show up on the day of the debate, you MUST notify me and the rest of the team beforehand.

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Operation Management: Were there inconsistencies in the arguments did the teams
Reference No:- TGS02719810

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