
Were the newspapers of the late 19th century partisan

Which Railroads built the first transcontinental line?

List the benefits of the electric motor.

Distinguish Alternating from Direct current.

How much did manufactures increase from the end of the Civil War to 1900?

Why was Carnegie so successful in the steel business?

Who was J. Pierpont Morgan?

Sears, Roebuck and Company was a pioneer in _______________________.

True of False: most people were better off during the so-called gilded age.

Know the histories of the Knights of Labor and The American Federation of Labor.

What strategy was used to overcome the Pullman strike?

Define the Doctrine of the New South.

Did tenant farmers take care of their land?

What was the Comstock Lode? Were there any Black cowboys?

Define the Dawes Severalty Act.

Why was mass transit important to cities?

Name some of the mass transit systems.

The 1890 Census reported that_______________________________.

Name the technologies that transformed mass transit by 1900.

After 1880 most immigrants came from___________________________.

What did "Nativists" believe?

Why was the Chinese Exclusion Act significant in American immigration history?

Were the newspapers of the late 19th century partisan?

Describe the Morrill Land Grant College Act.

Why were parks and playgrounds built?

Was Baseball considered a "democratic" sport?

How strong was voter turnout in presidential elections during the last third of the 19th century?

What was the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act and who signed it into law?

Was Chester Arthur a good president?

Who was James Blaine?

Grover Cleveland believed the Federal Government should by ______________________.

Define the "subtreasury plan."

What was the McKinley Tariff?

What caused commodity prices to decline during the Gilded Age?

How did William Jennings Bryan campaign in 1896?

The Omaha platform of the People's Party advocated ___________________________.

Why is Plessy v. Ferguson so significant?

What is Ida B. Wells most famous for?

Who was Alfred Thayer Mahan?

Why did the U.S. and the Samoan Islands sign a treaty in 1878?

Who is Queen Liliuokalani?

What happened to the Maine?

Who is Emilio Aquinaldo?

The de Lome letter was very critical of___________________.

What gained Theodore Roosevelt national attention in 1898?

Why did Mark Hanna oppose Theodore Roosevelt as McKinley's running mate in 1900? What did Roosevelt do when Colombia turned down the U.S. offer for the Canal Zone?

Define the Roosevelt Corollary.

More Americans died from __________ than from ____________ in the Spanish American War.

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History: Were the newspapers of the late 19th century partisan
Reference No:- TGS0979004

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