
Well-documented data from solid sources will help reinforce

Documenting Information

In Western culture, when you borrow ideas and words from other sources, you must cite them properly. Well-documented data from solid sources will help reinforce your professional credibility. Familiarize yourself with the kinds of materials and sources you need to document in business writing. Also, develop good research habits, and be aware of when and how to use quotations.

Complete the following sentence.

1. It is important to document report data properly in order to (establish good relationships / deter legal investigations of libel / instruct the reader where to find further informatio)

2. For which of the following must you give credit when writing a report?

Any facts, statistics, graphs, and drawings that are not common knowledge

Any facts, statistics, graphs, and drawings that are in the public domain

Your original ideas, opinions, examples, or theories

Consider the scenario, and then answer the question.

After taking extensive notes for a report you are writing, you are having a hard time organizing your various sources.

3. What are strategies you can use when creating effective note cards? Check all that apply.

Put the original source material aside when summarizing or paraphrasing.

Exclude all publication information.

Record all minor ideas from various sources on one note card.

Include all publication information.

Consider the scenario, and then answer the question.

Sean is worried about plagiarism in a report he is writing for his manager. He needs to paraphrase several passages in the report.

4. What advice would you give him?

Write your own version while carefully following the original.

Write your own version without looking at the original.

Skim the original material to comprehend its full meaning.

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Operation Management: Well-documented data from solid sources will help reinforce
Reference No:- TGS02555501

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