1. Weight based on the project developed during the course (IT as a business case):
A. Business case justification from organization priorities perspective.
B. “why Now” (how to be in the right time with the right client)
C. Components of business case relevant to monitoring and control (How to ensure the right plan, then how to trace implementation and project status)
2. Judge among the two scenarios below (as a business manager) (A or B)
A. Use a specialized application for each department that best serves the department need
B. Use enterprise application like ERP for all departments.
Justify your answer and give example.
3. Debate the two approaches from business and technology perspective.
A. Deal with vendor/provider selection on case by case basis.
B. Use RFP as an approach to vendor/provider selection
Which option (A or B) is ensuring higher transparency and efficiency
Justify your answer.