Weigh 3503g of nac2h3o23h2o and add it into a 150ml beaker

Weigh 3.503g of NaC2H3O2*3H2O and add it into a 150mL beaker. Pour in 8.8 mL of 3M acetic acid. Pour in 55.6 mL of distilled water and add it to the mixture and stir the solution.

Calculate the pH of this buffer.

Pour 32 mL of the solution into another beaker. Add 1 mL of 6M hydrochloric acid into the first beaker and 1 mL of 6M NaOH into the other beaker. Calculate the pH of each of the two solutions (pH+HCl and pH+NaOH)

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Chemistry: Weigh 3503g of nac2h3o23h2o and add it into a 150ml beaker
Reference No:- TGS0570247

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