
Web services sound way to complex

1. Why might it be thought that internet-centric computing is taking us back to the architecture of mainframes and dumb terminals? Is it?
2. Web services sound way to complex to be valuable. How are many chunks of code from many organizations really going to work together to provide a secure and reliable computing environment?
3. The reading implies that a company should always stay at the forefront of technology and telecommunications. However, adopting a secondary approach where others adopt early and a firm learns from their mistakes is often a viable strategy. When is each approach most appropriate and why?
4. Portable communications technology leads to the expectation of immediate availability. What are the pros and con's of this trend?
5. What is digital convergence and why is it important for business. What are some of its implications and how might each be dealt with? 

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Term Paper: Web services sound way to complex
Reference No:- TGS061495

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