
Web page for the business function

Challenge Project:

1) Design a Web page for the business function (example: ordering, human resources, courier service, inventory listing, etc). The Web page will have at least the given HTML:

• Three text box fields
• One Checkbox
• One set of radio buttons WITH NONE SELECTED
• One SELECT box (with the first choice being a "Please choose...." text)
• One, and only one, SUBMIT button

2) Then add JavaScript to perform some validation or error prevention on every field (apart from checkboxes) when the submit button is clicked.

• DO NOT use an alert box to echo back the checkbox choices or radio button choices.
• DO NOT print any message apart from errors.
• DO NOT use more than one alert box for all the errors that take place.

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Programming Languages: Web page for the business function
Reference No:- TGS01053

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