
Web based library management system

Q1. Explain why high Cohesion and low coupling is needed for the object oriented programming concept?

Q2. Describe the impact of software reuse on productivity, quality and the cost of project.

Q3. Explain corrective, adaptive, perfective and the preventive maintenance.

Q4. Define the term Integrity. Explain how to measure the integrity?

Q5. You have been asked to develop a web based library management system for the organization:

a) Build an entity relationship diagram which explains data objects, relationships and attributes.

c) Build up a context-level model for the system.

d) Build a level-1 DFD for the system.

e) Build a data dictionary for the system.

Q6. Write detail notes on any three of the given:

a) CASE Tools
b) Halstead analysis
c) Incremental model
d) Software Requirement Specification

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Software Engineering: Web based library management system
Reference No:- TGS011301

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