
Web application analysis

Topic: web application analysis


Web application analysis


• Required file format: Word for Windows document using Font Size 12
• Line spacing: 1.5 lines
• Required size for all margins is 1 inch or 2,5 cm
• Use appropriate business style formatting and referencing
• The length of this assignment should not exceed 15 Pages which includes 2500 words and images (excluding cover page and appendices)
• You may also use images of the chosen websites as needed.

Assignment Objective

Compare and analyse web site features implemented by two organisations competing in the same industry sector.

Assignment Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is for you to consider how competing organisations incorporate eBusiness solutions in order to gain and sustain competitive advantage in the global marketplace. In your essay, critically evaluate the strategies these companies are using to capture market share. Do these approaches seem successful?

Select, visit, explore and critically evaluate two commercial web sites focusing on organizations competing in the same industry sector, such as travel & tourism (2 airlines or hotels) but any 2 organisations of your choice will do.

As you examine them, pay careful attention to the range of information resources and services used in the sites and the ways in which they are organised, designed, and presented.

The question you should attempt to answer is how well these organizations support electronic business features. Compare the two web sites and discuss their

• Design and layout
• Ease of use (Usability)
• Online features, such as security, transaction management, financial services, customer support
• Mobile or/and Social Media integration

Based on above analysis, define and discuss best practice web site features to be considered by management and the web development team prior to implementing the organisation’s eBusiness solution.

In addition, please address the following questions:

1. What do you consider being the main challenges launching an online business within your chosen industry?
2. What impact has ICT and eBusiness had on your chosen industry sector?
3. In your conclusion, outline what you have learned from completing this assignment.


On one page, provide brief answers to the following questions:

1. Is the assignment clearly structured?
2. Are arguments, opinions backed up with evidence (references)?
3. Relevant examples backing up theory?
4. What do you think is a fair grade considering the grading rubrics?
5. What would you have done to improve?

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Other Subject: Web application analysis
Reference No:- TGS01437001

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