Weapons of Conflict
The trade unions and the employers (or their associations) have many ways of enforcing their demands on each other. They include:
Strikes: The strike is the union's ultimate weapon. It consists of the concerted refusal to work of the members of the union. It is the strike or the threat of a strike that backs up the union's demand in the bargaining process.
Picket lines: Are made up of striking workers who parade before the entrance to their plant or firm. Other union members will not cross a 'picket line'.
The lockout: Is the employer's equivalent of a strike. By closing his plant he locks out the workers until such a time the dispute is settled.
Black list: Is an employers' list of workers who have been discharged for unions' activities and who are not supposed to be given jobs by other employers.
Strike-breakers: Are workers who are used to operate the business when union members are on strike.