We want to just get our feet wet and pull every location

Assignment: Adobe and Google Analytics - Creating a Custom Geo-Segmentation Dashboard.

GOAL: Most Web Analytics platforms have basic geo-location tracking capabilities that go down to the city level. It is possible to get down to a zip code, block level, or even a Lat/Long coordinate tracking, but that is a special implementation and takes additional tagging and server side scripts, along with custom variables.

One of the co-authors set up a similar implementation with a festival website a few years ago, and the reporting was very helpful, and was not that hard to implement. The bigger challenge is knowing what to do (how to act on) this data, we have observed that most marketers are not yet prepared to implement any marketing changes based on the they data they can collect.

We want to just get our feet wet and pull every location report that we can - then combine them into a dashboard that tells a story, something that can help us understand the impact of location on our marketing campaigns and efforts.

ADOBE ANALYTICS: Note: We have been talking about Adobe Analytics dashboards and have looked at the pre-build dashboards that the platform comes preconfigured with, but we haven't yet built our own. This assignment focuses on building dashboards and then trying to make sense of the data.

Use the JJ ESQUIRE-BARUCH OAI reporting suite, focusing on reports that take place in the current time period.

1. Run the geo-segmentation > countries report and start your custom dashboard - naming it after yourself (use some instance or variation of your name or nick name). You can even make it more fun by adding a "superpower" you would like to have, and append it to your name, in the dashboard.

2. Once you add this "reportlet" to your dashboard, add a few more that center around geo-location.

3. Paste an image / screenshot of your dashboard here - if I really like it, I may also give it extra credit (1 point) - but only if I see something really creative and you are able to tell a one or two line story with it. Try to see how much you can push Adobe's dashboard reporting.

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Marketing Management: We want to just get our feet wet and pull every location
Reference No:- TGS02748580

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