
We know the purloined letter is about finding a stolen

Edgar Allen Poe

respond to any two of the questions below:

1. What questions do you have about details or event in "The Fall of the House of Usher"? Come up with at least one (show that you read)--OR try to answer a question that your classmates already posted--if you are answering a question, include your classmate's name in your answer.

2. All details in Poe's work contribute to a single effect (what Poe calls "the singular effect). Choose one from the list of details below, and explain how it relates the effect (as you understand it) in "The Fall of the House of Usher".

the tarn," a lake that casts a reflection of the House of Usher in its waters

a waltz is heard in the background at one point in the story

the paintings of Henry Fuseli are mentioned (see below for one of Fuseli's Nightmare's )

the entire family is in a "direct line of descent"

a poem called "the Haunted Palace"

Usher and his sister Madeline are twins

3. How are "The Black Cat" and the "Tell-Tale Heart" mirrors for each other? Search the stories for imagery, plot elements, and specific language that seems common. Record that below. What do you learn?

4. Art is not only about what it is about; it is about how it is about it. We know "The Purloined Letter" is about finding a stolen letter-that is the "what" of the story. What is the how of the story? Explain with examples from the text.

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