
We have to deal with scarcity and that means making choices

Remember the building blocks of economic thought: We have to deal with scarcity, and that means making choices. The most basic questions we have to answer as a society are:

1. What are we going to produce?

2. How are we going to produce it?

3. For whom are we going to produce? (this means who gets the things produced)

There are many ways to answer these questions and how we in the U.S. have answered has changed over time. Think about how we have, and are answering these questions. Then answer one of the 3 following questions.

A. What changes have you witnessed regarding what we as a nation produce? (or)

B. What changes have you witnessed regarding how we as a nation produce? (or)

C. What changes have you witnessed regarding who gets the things produced.

Along with your observations about what has been going on include your opinions about the changes

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Business Economics: We have to deal with scarcity and that means making choices
Reference No:- TGS02617205

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