We have spent the past few classes discussing different

Assignment : Searching for Information

We have spent the past few classes discussing different ways to search for information, as well as different places to find information.

Using the knowledge you have gained from textbook readings, class lectures, discussions, and assignments, please answer the following questions.

Read each question carefully, and determine what kind of information the question is looking for - that will determine where you will search.

Please list the sources you find in APA citation format, where applicable. If you find a credible source from the internet, please list the link. I also want you to outline the search strategy you took for each question, and if and how it changed as you searched.

To help you, I have provided a sample answer for you for question one. Please model your responses on this example.

1. You have recently become obsessed with the revolutionary Broadway musical Hamilton. You want to find a historical reference about Arron Burr to see if the musical is accurate. Note: Makes sure it is full-text or something that Steely Library owns.

Livingston, J. (1957). Alexander Hamilton and the American Tradition. Midwest Journal of Political Science, 1(3/4), 209-224. doi:10.2307/2109300

I went to JSTOR within Steely library, searched "Alexander Hamilton" and then filtered my results by "american studies" and "scholarly journals." I figured currency of the article is less of a concern in this case since it is historical information I am working with. I initially searched databases by subject (history, American) and then within the database American: History and Life. But it was returning almost too specific of results. I just wanted a good comprehensive piece on his life. So I backed out and went to JSTOR.

2. Fidget spinners have recently become a hot item. Find 2 resources that discuss this phenomenon.

3. Immigration is the topic of this year's Book Connection selection - The Distance Between Usby Reyna Grande. Find a resource that discusses immigration or Reyna Grande's experience.

4. As smart devices and the Internet of Things become more popular, many people have concerns about privacy. Find either a newspaper article about cybersecurity or a resource about the Internet of Things.

5. The current blockbuster movie is Black Panther, set in the fictional African nation Wakanda. Find a resource that relates to superheroes or Wakanda.

6. Matthew Desmond, author of Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, is coming to NKU's campus in April for a conversation about housing insecurity. Your Sociology professor is requiring you to do some research on evictions and poverty. Find two scholarly sources that fulfill your assignment.

7. You are researching personality disorders for your Psychology course, and your professor is requiring you to find a book on your topic. You have limited time to get to the library for a book, so you need to find an e-book from Steely Library.

8. Life as a college student can be stressful, and there are a variety of ways students cope. Locate an item that will help distract you from the stress of college life.

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