We have represented numbers in base-2 (binary) and in base-16 (hex). We are now ready for unsigned base-4, which we will call quad numbers. A quad digit can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
a. What is the maximum unsigned decimal value that one can represent with 3 quad digits?
b. What is the maximum unsigned decimal value that one can represent with n quad digits (Hint: your answer should be a function of n)l
c. Add the two unsigned quad numbers: 023 and 221.
d. What is the quad representation of the decimal number 42?
e. What is the binary representation of the unsigned quad number 123.3?
f . Express the unsigned quad number 123.3 in IEEE floating point format.
g. Given a black box which takes m quad digits as input and produces one quad digit for output, what is the maximum number of unique functions this black box can implement?