
We dont have to agree or like what or how a person is

Amendment 1: Freedom of Religion, Speech, and the Press

Everyone should have the freedom to practice and worship whatever higher power they deem for themselves. That also means people who do not believe in a higher power have the freedom not to as well. The governments and/or employers can't mandate religious practices. We all have the right to free speech as long as it does not cause chaos such as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Some people may think we should not be allowed to say hurtful things but one can. We don't have to agree or like what or how a person is saying something, but they have the right to express themselves. Freedom of the press is so that government officials can't stop journalists from exposing wrongdoings when they uncover them. It the press wasn't covered under Amendment 1, then we may not ever know of such things as Watergate.

Amendment 2: Protection from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures

This amendment provides checks and balances for law enforcement officials and prosecutors. We all feel safe in our homes and to be able to believe that our privacy and personal belongings will not be taken without law enforcement official having probable cause to believe that one has violated the law and they may have evidence in their home, vehicle, etc. Before law enforcement officials can get the evidence they must be granted search and seizure authorization.


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History: We dont have to agree or like what or how a person is
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