
We can construct state machines like the ones in worksheet

E15: Fundamentals of Digital Systems - Fall 2010 - HOMEWORK 6

1) In class we used some Boolean identities involving NAND to prove that sending an arbitrary value d to a D latch causes the latch to converge at the state Q=d, regardless of whether d is 0 or 1. In doing so we followed these rules:

  • When a value changes, draw a box around it, and in the next row, re-compute all variables whose value depends on the changed variables.
  • If no further changes in a row are possible, then the values have converged, and we place a check next to the row to show that the circuit has stabilized.
  • Whenever we change an input variable, we copy down the previous values of the non-input variables into the row before determining whether their values change, on the next line.


Continue the table above by showing that if the D input changes to d' at t=30, that Q will converge to d'.

2) We will show using Boolean algebra that the positive edge triggered D flip-flop from the handout only changes Q to the value of D when the clock changes from 0 to 1. Starting with the initial inputs:


a. At t=10, change D to the value d, and show that Q remains the same.

b. At t=20, change Clk to 1, and show that Q takes on the value d.

c. At t=30, change d to d' and show that Q remains unaffected, but S and R both change back to 1.

3) We can construct state machines like the ones in Worksheet 6 by writing down a truth table for the state transition function. The inputs to the state transition function are the state variables Si, and the outputs are the "next state" variables Ni. From there, we can use K-maps to produce simplified Boolean expressions for each output, and then implement them using gates.

Produce diagrams for these state machines:

a. Using two D flip-flops and any additional gates necessary, construct a state machine that progresses from the state 00 to 01, 10, and finally to 11. Once in the state 11, your state machine should stay there indefinitely.

b. Using three D flip-flops and any additional gates necessary, construct a state machine that progresses through all of the three-bit Gray codes, starting with 000 and continuing through 100 before starting over.

4) Here is a module dff implementing a D flip-flop using behavioral Verilog*:


a. Construct a Verilog module hw6_4a(clk, S) that implements the first state machine above by instantiating two D flip-flops. Your module should take a single input (the clock), and it should assign its 2-bit output with the values of the flip-flops.

b. Similarly, construct a Verilog module named hw6_4b(clk, S) that implements the second state machine above by instantiating three D flip-flops.

Submit both of your Verilog modules to the Blackboard site in a zipfile. The archive should contain two files named hw6_4a.v, and hw6_4b.v.

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Other Engineering: We can construct state machines like the ones in worksheet
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