Five equa l - s i z e da t agr ams be longing to the s ame me s s age l e ave for the de s t ina -t ion one a f t e r another. However, they travel through di f f e r ent pa ths as shown in
Table 8.1.
Table 8.1 Exercise 12
Datagram Path Length Visited Switches
1 3200Km 1,3,5
2 11,700 Km 1,2,5
3 12,200 Km 1,2,3,5
4 10,200 Km 1,4,5
5 10,700 Km 1,4,3,5
We assume tha t the delay for e a ch switch (including waiting and processing) is 3,10, 20, 7, and 20 ms respectively. Assuming that the propagation speed is 2 x 10 8 m,find the order the da t agr ams arrive a t the destination and the delay for each. Ignore
any othe r delays in transmission.