we are need of vbnet dynamically created gridview

We are need of VB.NET Dynamically Created Gridview with Textboxes, DDLs

Utilizing VB code in ASP.NET I dynamically create a calendar showing either 3 or 6 or 9 or 12 months, depending on a start date as well as end date entered into two textboxes by a user.

If a date in the calendar falls within the range of the start as well as end dates entered by the user, my code adds a number 1 in the date cell in addition to the number of the date that is already in that cell. The 1 represents the number of service visits to someone's house that a service provider will make on the date.

For each cell that has a number 1 VB code as well dynamically creates a "+" and a "-" also these are placed beside the "1". If the user clicks the "+", the "1" becomes a "2" ... up to "9". If the user clicks a "-" the number goes down one by one to 0. Code also creates a div with the style (display: none) besides a basic gridview in the div. The divs for each number "1" are hidden when the html page is rendered.

Desired Skills are JavaScript and VB.NET

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Visual Basic Programming: we are need of vbnet dynamically created gridview
Reference No:- TGS0376609

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