
We are finding places where we are comfortable and where we

Integrate the following quotes into the paragraph below, using signal phrases and correct in-text citations.

"We are finding places where we are comfortable and where we can feel we can flourish" from David Brooks in "People Like Us" page 56.

"Americans tend more and more often to marry people with education levels similar to their own and to befriend people with backgrounds similar to their own" from David Brooks in "People Like Us" page 57.

While the United States is often called a land of diversity or the great melting pot, where people from all different cultural and ethnic backgrounds come together, in reality, people living in U.S. actually prefer to live with people most like themselves. People tend to move to areas of the country and even neighborhoods where they find other people with similar ethnic, cultural and racial backgrounds. The same is true of economic status, political or social opinions, religious or moral values, and even hobbies or interests. For all the emphasis on diversity, we simply prefer to live, work, and play with people who are most like us.

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English: We are finding places where we are comfortable and where we
Reference No:- TGS0827632

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