
Wdoes a spatial database store how does it store it

Spatial Databases

For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:

· Option 1: Spatial Hands-On
· Option 2: Spatial PowerPoint

Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Material: Spatial Databaseslocated on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment.

Spatial Databases

Select and complete one of the following assignments.

Option 1: Temporal Hands-On

You have been tasked with creating a SQL Function that will take as input latitude and longitude and will return the distance between the two points in miles.

As you develop this function, consider the following:

Microsoft SQL Server now provides a geography type. You can set a location on the globe into this type of variable using the following approach: geography::Point(lat,long,4268).

Further, Microsoft SQL Server provides a function STDistance() that can be used to calculate the distance between two geographic points.

Submit the CREATE FUNCTION script used to perform this calculation.

Option 2: Spatial Presentation

Createa 7- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and address the following:

· What does a spatial database store? How does it store it?
· How is SQL used to retrieve information from a spatial database?
· Explain what observer functions are and their role in a spatial database. Provide examples.

Include a cover page, speaker notes, and at least three references.

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Database Management System: Wdoes a spatial database store how does it store it
Reference No:- TGS01520765

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