
Ways for utilizes the indirect strategy


Negative news: Write a business document, as specified by the scenario, that utilizes the indirect strategy.



REFUSING REQUESTS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS: You are delighted to get a message from an old friend and colleague, Heather Lang. you are delighted right up to the moment you read her request that you write a recommendation about her web design and programming skills. for your LinkedIn profile. you would do just about anything for Lang anything except recommend her her web design skills. she is master programmer whose technical wizardry saved many clients projects but when it comes to artistic design, Lang simply doesn't have it . from gaudy color schemes to unreadable type treatment to confusing layouts, her design sense is as weak as her technical acumen is strong.

TASK: first, write a brief email to Lang explaining that you would be most comfortable highlighting her technical skills because that is where you believe her true strength lie. second write a two - sentence recommendations that you could include in your LindIn profile, recommending Langs technical skills. Makeup or research any details you need.

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Other Subject: Ways for utilizes the indirect strategy
Reference No:- TGS02043712

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