Water exits a 1-cm-diameter outlet of a faucet estimate the

1. Water exits a 1-cm-diameter outlet of a faucet. Estimate the maximum speed that would result in a laminar ?ow if the water temperature is (a) 20-C, (b) 50-C, and (c) 100-C. Assume Re ¼ 2000.

2. Air ?ows over and parallel to a ?at plate at 2 m=s. How long is the laminar portion of the boundary layer if the air temperature is (a) 30-C, (b) 70-C, and (c) 200-C. Assume a high-?uctuation level on a smooth rigid plate.

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Mechanical Engineering: Water exits a 1-cm-diameter outlet of a faucet estimate the
Reference No:- TGS01180101

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