
Watch what cliffs lay ahead for congress for other budget

Watch What 'Cliffs' Lay Ahead for Congress for Other Budget Deal? on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.

Transcript of PBS News Hour segment - Air date Jan 03, 2013

Please view the 9-plus minutes of this clip and respond to the following questions:

1.Describe the budget "deal" made by members of Congress in order to avoid the "fiscal cliff" at the beginning of 2013.

2.What other budget deals loom ahead for members of Congress in 2013? Describe the problems/issues involved and impacts on government services and on individual Americans (hint: one of these issues is the federal government "sequestration."

3.What solutions were considered by the panel for federal deficit and debt reduction rather than continuing to make temporary fixes (i.e., "kicking the can down the road")?

Note: The above video can be found by clicking on the following link https://video.pbs.org/program/newshour/, and in the blank preceding "Search PBS" in the upper right hand corner, enter the words "Congress and The U.S. Budget." From the list of video clips provided, select the clip titled, "What 'Cliffs' Lay Ahead for Congress for Other Budget Deal?", designated as https://video.pbs.org/2322936149.

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Finance Basics: Watch what cliffs lay ahead for congress for other budget
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