
Watch video on student loan debt-student loan forgiveness


Student loan debt has become an important issue in the 2020 presidential campaign. The articles below discuss the problem and some of the proposed solutions. What is your opinion on this issue? Should the federal government address the problem? What approach would you favor and why? Student loan debt is a major problem for millions of Americans. It is particularly difficult for former students who failed to earn a college degree and obtain well-paying work.

Before responding to this question, read the essays and watch the videos posted below. Your post should demonstrate a good understanding of the topic. Be sure to use good English grammar and composition skills. Your response is worth up to 25 points, so be sure to take your time to do this assignment well. Please continue the conversation with your classmates by posting a reply to someone else's response.

Remember: To receive credit, your post should specifically mention the title, author, or source of at least two of the articles or videos posted below.

MSNBC, "Student Loan Borrowers Could See Big Changes in 2020,"

CNBC, Video on Student Loan Debt, Student Loan Forgiveness: Can The US Erase Student Debt?

Pew Research, "5 Facts about Student Loans,"

Ben Miller, "Address the $1.5 Trillion in Federal Student Loan Debt,"

Jay Urwitz and Neal Urwitz, "The Candidates are Wrong. It's a Mistake to Pay Off College Graduates' Debts,". Must be mla formatted and cited use at least 2 sources included above.

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Other Subject: Watch video on student loan debt-student loan forgiveness
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