Watch this video first: "The Perils of 'Protection' - Sex Workers' Experiences of Law Enforcement"
1. How do these sex workers' first-hand experiences reflect law enforcement officers actively making their work less safe? Choose at least one of the testimonies from the video to support this and try to use the Chu, Clamen, and Santini reading to explain how this may represent a wider or systemic problem.
2. One of last week's readings from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (the file containing "A System of Total Control" and "A Hindrance to the Advancement of Men") indicated that law enforcement in early Canada often used the idea of "prostitution" as a reason to harass, abuse, and otherwise mistreat Indigenous people. How is this colonial history still evident today? Try to use the Chu, Clamen, and Santini reading to answer this.