
Watch the video the brain a secret history - emotions

Learning Activities

  1. REVIEW some ethical infringements from major studies. WATCH the "The Little Albert Experiment" hosted by Johncheezy.  In what ways does the Little Albert experiment compare to this week's discussion topics?
  2. READ Chapter 2 in your textbook by OpenStax.
  3. WATCH the video "The Brain: A Secret History - Emotions; Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment" hosted by DebateFilms.
  4. WATCH the video "The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment" hosted by TheAdviseShowTV.
  5. READ "Steps of the Scientific Method" by ScienceBuddies.
  6. STUDY key terms.  Match the terms below to the appropriate definition.  We'll use these terms within our discussions and assignments: 1. A hypothesis is: 2. The scientific method:3. A code of ethics: 4.The Hawthorne Effect occurs when:a. consists of principles and ethical standards to be used in the discipline. It also describes procedures for filing, investigating, and resolving complaints of unethical conduct.b. a testable educated guess about predicted outcomes between two or more variablesc. involves a series of prescribed steps that have been established over centuries of scholarship.d. people change their behavior because they know they are being watched as part of a studyAnswers: 1=b  2=c  3=a  4=d
  7. PARTICIPATE in Discussion 2.1: Bobo the Clown: What would you do?
  8. PARTICIPATE in Discussion 2.2: Tuskegee: Do you think it could happen today?

The Scientific Method: How would you define each step?  

This assignment will assess the competency 2 a.

Directions: In a one to two page essay, address the questions below. Your essay should be double spaced and use 12 point Times New Roman font (black).

  • Define what the scientific method is.
  • Describe each step of the scientific method.
  • Describe how you might use one of these steps as a student or in the workforce.

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Physics: Watch the video the brain a secret history - emotions
Reference No:- TGS02232070

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