
Watch the video on fiscal policy


Part 1:

Post a two-paragraph essay and a video on Fiscal Policy, by clicking on "Reply' at the end of tbis message. Please remember to include links to your two newspaper art.. at the end of your .say, as well as a link to your favorite Youtube video on this topic (under ?min..). Due before class on the date mentioned in syllabus.

Paragraph (6-8 sentences, 3-4 per aril.). Summarize two newwaper articles on Fiscal Policy. Find two newspaper articles published in welltmown newspapers or magazines (NW, WSJ, Economist, Bloomberg Businessweek etc). You can use "Newspaper .ficl." Mb on left side of this page to find the two articles. You can also giggle a keyword.. is either the name of the topic or a word.. you choose from the two questions. Make sure.. you have fa., numbers, quotes etc. to share with class.

Paragraphs: (6-8 sentences, 3-4 per question). Write a paragraph of your response to the following two questions. You won't read this
paragraph in class, but you want to remember your opinion, because your participation in class discussion affects your dic.sion grade.

First Question: Do you think that President Ob.-la's Stimulus of wog work?

Second Question: Would you support taxing the rich more to deal with the national debt?

Part 2:

Post a two-paragraph essay and a video on MOM., Policy, by clicking on 'Reply' at the end of this mehsage. Please remember to include links to your two newspaper articles at the end of your essay, as well as a link to your favorite Youtube video on this topic (under? minutes). Due before class on the date mentioned in syllabus.

Paragraph k (6-8 senteneces, 3-4 per article). Summarize two newspaper articles on Monetary Policy. Find two newspaper articles published in well-known newspapers or magazines (DTP, WSJ, Economist, Bloomberg Businessweek etc). You can use "Newspaper Arficlm" Mb on left side of this page to find the two articles. You can also gargle a keyword that is either the name of the topic or a word that you choose from the two questions. Make sure that you have fa., numbers, quotes etc. to share with elms.

Paragraphs: (6-8 sentences, 3-4 per question). Write a paragraph of your response to the following two questions. You won't read this
paragraph in class, but you want to remember your opinion, became your participation ha class discussion affects your dicussion grade.

First Question: Did Quantitative Easing help the economy since the Great Recursion?

Second Question: Should we go back to the Gold Standard?

Part 3:

Post a two-paragraph essay and a video on Greece, by clicking on 'Reply' at the end of this message. Please remember to include links to your two newspaper articles M the end of your essay, as well as a link to your favorite Youtube video on this topic (under minutes). Due before class on the date mentioned in syllabus.

Paragraph (6-8 sentences, 3-4 per article). Summarize two newspaper articles on Greece. Find two newspaper articles published in well-known newspapers or magazines (NW, WSJ, Economist, Bloomberg Busissessweek etc). You can use "Newspaper Arficlm" Mb on left side of this page to find the two articles. You can also google a keyword that is either the name of the topic or a word that you choose from the two questions. Make sure that you have facts, numbers, quotes etc. to share with class.

Paragraphs: (6-8 sentences, 3-4 per question). Write a paragraph of your response to the following two questions. You won't read this
paragraph in class, but you want to remember your opinion, because your participation in class discussion affects your dicussion grade.

First Question, Whose fault is the Greek economic crisis?

Second Question, Should Greece leave the euro and adopt its own currency?

Part 4:

Post a two-paragraph essay and a video on the Presidential Electiott by clicking on "Reply" at the end ofthis message. Please remember to include links to your two newspaper articles at the end of your essay, as well as a link to your favorite -.Unite video on this topic (under 7 minutes). Due before class on the date mentioned in syllabus.

Paragraph (6-8 sentences, 3-4 per article). Summarize two newspaper articles or official web par. of Tromp or Clinton. Find two newspaper articles published in well-known newspapers or magazines (NW, WSJ, Economist, Bloomberg 8...sweek etc). You can use "Newspaper Articl." tab on left side of this page. find the two articles. You can also google a keyword that is either the a.e of the topic or a word that you choose from the two questions. Make sure that you have facts, numbers, quotes etc. to share with class.

Paragraph 2: (6-8 sentences, 3-4 per question). Write a paragraph of your response to the following two questions. You won't read this paragraph in class, but you mutt to remember your opinion, because your participation in class disc.sion affects your discussion grade.

First Question: Whose tax policy is better, Trump or Clinton? (Ilse either their official websites or newspaper articles)

Second Question: Who is better for the economy, Trump or Clinton? (Use either their official websites or newspaper articles)

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Microeconomics: Watch the video on fiscal policy
Reference No:- TGS01796908

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