
Watch the video-nova program vaccines-calling the shots


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Responses to the below Discussion questions with details in solid 1 to 2 paragraphs.

NOVA Streaming Documentary

Vaccines: Calling the Shots

To successfully complete this assignment, a student must Watch the NOVA program Vaccines: Calling the Shots by clicking on the preceding link. The student must then answer each of the DISCUSSION QUESTIONS below. Answers must be substantive, go beyond one sentence responses, and must directly address the question. The student must turn in this narrative in a typewritten form. Please type out the questions in your paper.



1. Identify at least three elements of the program that you found most interesting, or troubling.

2. Identify at least three concepts that were new to you, or ideas that you had not previously considered.

3. Provide an overall evaluation of the program. What did you like best? What did you not find valuable? What questions remained unanswered? Where could have the program further expounded on ideas?

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Biology: Watch the video-nova program vaccines-calling the shots
Reference No:- TGS03206813

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