
Watch the video about berries and the brain after watching

Watch the video about Berries and the Brain. After watching the video, answer the three critical thinking questions listed below. We will use this space to build, as a group our own body of knowledge to several topics covered in the course. There is no minimum contribution to the Blogs. You should read it and post comments or questions to me and to your fellow students about the topic. The Blogs make up part of your Blogs/Case Studies grade. Your grade will be determined based on the amount and quality of your contributions in the Blogs.

Video: https://college.cengage.com/nutrition/shared/content/video/play.html?video=217304_lsgb501x_feb082007_v02_berries_and_the_brain

Critical Thinking Questions:

  1. Do blueberries and strawberries have similar levels of anthocyanins? How could you find out?
  2. What other environmental factors influence the production of free radicals?
  3. What other nutrients can help the body reduce the level of damaging free radicals? What are some foods that contain these nutrients?

Make sure to:

  • Write a short essay or paragraph of at least300 words.
  • Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
  • Address all questions.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation.
  • If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.
  • DO NOTplagiarize.

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Biology: Watch the video about berries and the brain after watching
Reference No:- TGS02475754

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