5 to 6 paragraphs
Learning Theories
Watch the following videos of a classroom teacher modeling behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist strategies in the classroom:
- Behaviorism
- Cognitivism
- Constructivism
After watching the three videos, address the following in your main post:
1. What are the critical components of each theory?
2. What observational markers do you see that indicate the instructor is applying each theory?
3. Using the AIU Library's full-text databases, locate a recent (published within the last 5 years) peer-reviewed or scholarly journal article for each of the three learning theories.
- In your main post, indicate the proper APA formatting for each resource, and include a strong 1-sentence summary of the article and its relevancy to the course content.
Using peer-reviewed and scholarly sources, develop and write a substantial post, avoiding plagiarism by properly paraphrasing and supporting your statements and claims with in-text citations and scholarly references following APA guidelines.
For additional assistance in using resources, please view the following video: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and In-Text Citations.