
Watch the following film then answer these questions what

Watch the following film then answer these questions. This Film Is Not Yet Rated (Parts ONE and TWO which is linked from this first page) and:

1. NC-17 used to be known as what rating?

2. The current rating system is described by Jon Lewis as what?

3. Who/what organization gives the ratings?

4. What are some impacts of ratings on films?

5. What does "independent" mean?

6. What role was played by Will Hays?

7. Who was Jack Valenti? What organization did he start/head and what did/does it do? And who do they serve?

8. What is meant by describing the film industry as a set of "vertically integrated monopolies?"

9. What was the "Blacklist?"

10. What is more likely to receive an NC-17 rating, a violence or sex?

11. What is the relationship between Hollywood and the military?

12. Describe the relationship represented between Hollywood and elected officials/politicians/government.

13. To whom are copyright "pirates" compared?

14. What rating does this film receive?

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Dissertation: Watch the following film then answer these questions what
Reference No:- TGS02350182

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