
Watch the finding an article when you have the citation

Question 1. Select the correct format for an online article reference citation.

Santovec, M. (2008). Easing the transition improves grad retention at Trinity U.

Santovec, M. (2008). Easing the transition improves grad retention at Trinity U. Women in

Higher Education, 17(10), 32. Retrieved from https://www.wihe.com/

Santovec, M. (2008). Women in Higher Education.

Question 2. You must cite "common knowledge" information, such as folklores, common sense observations, myths, urban legends, and historical events Information should have been presented in the Instructor Guidance



Question 3. Choose the correct in-text citation for citing a source that you have summarized or paraphrased in your paper.

Walker found no interaction amongst the variables in the cross-sectional data (2010).

Walker found no interaction amongst the variables in the cross-sectional data.

Walker (2010, p. 67) found no interaction amongst the variables in the cross-sectional data.

Walker (2010) found no interaction amongst the variables in the cross-sectional data.

Question 4. All in-text citations should include a page number or paragraph number of where the cited information came from.


Question 5. The following items should be included when creating a reference citation for an electronic book, such as one of the books you use for courses here at Ashford:

(Author's last name and first initial, Year, Title of Book)

(Author's last name and first initial, Year, Title of Book, Electronic Version, Retrieved from)

(Author's first and last name, Year, Title of Book)

(Title of Book, Author's last name and first initial, Year)

Question 6. Which of the following does NOT need a citation:

Words or ideas presented in a magazine, book, newspaper, song, TV program, movie, Web page, computer program, letter, advertisement, or any other medium

Information you gain through interviewing or conversing with another person, face to face, over the phone, or in writing

Exact words or a unique phrase that you copied from a source

Your own conclusions about a subject

Question 7. Select the correct reference citation for the following article: "Can This Woman Fix Europe?" by V. Walk in Time magazine, published in April of 2013.

Walk, V. (2013, April). CAN THIS WOMAN FIX EUROPE? Time, 18(13). Retrieved from https://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,213969.html

Walk, V. (2013, April). Can this woman fix Europe? Time, 181(13). Retrieved from https://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,213969.html

Walk, V. (2013, April). "Can this woman fix Europe?" Time, 181(13). Retrieved from https://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,213969.html

Walk, V. (2013, April). Can This Woman Fix Europe? Time, 181(13). Retrieved from https://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,213969.html

Question 8. Ashford University follows the guidelines of the APA 6th Edition Manual.



Question 9. For titles of articles in your References page, what words should be capitalized?

Every word

The first word of the title and subtitle

All nouns

Verbs and nouns

Question 10. When citing a source with no author name listed, how should you write the reference citation?

Write No Author in the place of the author's name.

Use the title of the article or web page in place of the author's name.

Begin with the year of publication.

Question 11. Watch the Finding an Article When You Have the Citation tutorial. Locate the following article in the EBSCOhost database:Cronin, J. R. (2010). Too much information: Why facilitate information and media literacy? International Journal Of Humanities & Arts Computing, 4(1/2), 151-165. What is the first sentence in the section called "The ‘Tower and the Cloud' Paradigm" within this article?

"Over a decade before the Internet came into being Jean Baudrillard wrote: ‘we live in a world were there is more and more information and less and less meaning'."

"With the impact of globalisation, the academy is no longer the sole agent of knowledge construction and custodianship."

"The social networking characteristics of Web 2.0 have broken down barriers between expert and lay knowledge."

"While there is broad agreement that Information and Media Literacy (IML) should be formally taught as a set of competencies, nevertheless current opinion as to how best this is to be enacted is divided."

Question 12. Watch the Finding an Article When You Have the Citation tutorial. Locate the following article in the EBSCOhost database:

Bayliss, G. (2013). Exploring the cautionary attitude toward Wikipedia in higher education: Implications for higher education institutions. New Review Of Academic Librarianship, 19(1), 36-57.

According to the article, "A 2008 survey of 6,492 students from 150 universities (45 in the United Kingdom) found ____ of students used Wikipedia as an academic information resource (Ebrary 33)." (Hint: Look on the second page of the article)





Question 13. Watch the Finding an Article When You Have the Citation tutorial. Locate the following article in the ProQuest database:

Pachtman, A. B. (2012). Developing critical thinking for the Internet. Research & Teaching in Developmental Education, 29(1), 39-47.

This article includes a sample 3-level reading guide (look in the section called "The Guides and the Process"). What short story does this reading guide refer to?

"The Old Man and the Sea"

"The Fall of the House of Usher"

"The Tell-Tale Heart"

"The Little Match Girl"

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