
Watch the disney animated film cinderella and compare it to

Assignment - Find below discussion. Need 400 words.

Select one of the following questions and post an answer of not less than 400 words. Your post should be a well organized essay appropriately divided into paragraphs. Your answer to the question must utilize information from the assigned readings, so it would be appropriate to support your answer with short quotes from the text (you may simply place your quote in quotation marks with the page number in parenthesis following the quotation). Your answer should show that you have read and understood the information presented in the readings. I would suggest that you compose you answer in a word processing program and then copy your answer and paste it into the window that opens when you click "Reply." Such precautions can save you much grief if you have computer problems or lose your connection to Blackboard while composing your answer.

1. Discuss the ways in which the two versions of the Cinderella folktale differ. Organize your answer around the following points:

How do the plots differ?

How do the messages of the Perrault and Grimm's versions offer different messages to the listener/reader?

Why do you believe the Brother's Grimm deviated from the original version of Perrault?

2. Watch the Disney animated film Cinderella and compare it to the two versions of the folktale by Perrault and the Brothers Grimm. Organize your essay around the following points:

How does the Disney version differ from the Perrault version?

How does the Disney version differ from the Grimms' version?

Does the Disney version alter the message of the Grimms' version?

3. Select two of the folktales excerpted in the textbook ("The Goose Girl," "The Raven," and "Faithful John," and identify the message that each was intended to convey to its audience. How would you "modernize" one of the tales to make it relevant to a 21st century audience?

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Dissertation: Watch the disney animated film cinderella and compare it to
Reference No:- TGS02748331

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