
Wat should the nsa have been doing in this case and why

Federal Government

Everyone must do this Signature Assignment. Choose one of the following Roman numerals to answer for the Signature Assignment. Indicate which Roman numeral you're answering. See the question you choose for more specific instructions. You must formally cite all sources, within the text as well in a reference page, using MLA or APA format. On a cover sheet, put Signature Assignment, your name, the course number, the class time, the Roman numeral of the question, and the due date for the assignment. Due no later than December 7, 2016. Submit through Blackboard.

I. In response to terrorist threats, the National Security Agency (NSA) has conducted massive, secret electronic surveillance of Americans. Edward Snowden, working as a private contractor (with the private company Booze Allen) for the NSA, revealed these activities to the public. What should the NSA have been doing in this case, and why? What should Snowden have done, and why? Consider at least three of the following: bureaucracy, civil rights and civil liberties, the role of government, privatization, whistleblowing, the police power, courts, and democratic values. Why and how do you reach the conclusions you do? The paper should be around 5 pages long (text, not including cover sheet and references), and you must use at least two sources (not textbook, handouts, an encyclopedia, or Wikipedia as one of these two sources). Consider more than one point of view.

II. Recently there has been more polarization in American federal (national) government politics, between liberal and conservative, between Republican and Democrat, between Congress and President. This has make it harder to make decisions and get things done. Is this good or bad? Who wins and loses? What, if anything, can or should be done about it? Consider at least three: democratic values, pluralism, the role of government, Congress, the Presidency, parties, the Tea Party, and any other topic in the course that you consider relevant. Why and how do you reach the conclusions you do? The paper should be around 5 pages long (text, not including cover sheet and references), and you must use at least two sources (not textbook, handouts, an encyclopedia, or Wikipedia as one of these two sources). Consider more than one point of view.

III. For various reasons, immigration is a controversial issue in American federal (national) politics today. The federal, state, and local governments are all involved in this (your first but not only concern here should be the federal government). What are the issues? What are the stakes - who might win and lose? What should we do? Consider at least three of the following" democratic values, civil rights and civil liberties, federalism, the role of government, polarization, and any other topic covered in this course that you think is relevant. Why and how do you reach the conclusions you do? The paper should be around 5 pages long (text, not including cover sheet and references), and you must use at least two sources (not textbook, handouts, an encyclopedia, or Wikipedia as one of these two sources) . Consider more than one point of view.

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Dissertation: Wat should the nsa have been doing in this case and why
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