
Wat is the lsquohierarchy of control and how does it work


OHS Inspection, Testing and Tagging of Electrical Equipment

1. What percentage of electrical defects is detectable by visual inspection?

2. When performing a routine inspection on electrical equipment what are you looking for?

3. What must you do with equipment identified as faulty?

4. Is most of the equipment you use in the classroom ‘Basic insulated, protectively earthed or Class 1 equipment' or ‘Double insulated or Class 2 equipment'?

5. Which equipment in the classroom would be classed as ‘Fixed equipment'?

6. What equipment could you use that may result in the classroom being defined as a ‘Hostile environment'

7. From the definitions provided in the policy and procedure list all the ‘Portable equipment' used in the classroom?

8. Define ‘Tagging'.

9. Who can complete testing, tagging, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment?

10. Regarding new equipment purchased, who is responsible for the initial safety of the equipment?

11. How often should electrical class equipment be tested and tagged?

12. What are the six fundamental procedures for safe equipment use?

13. Create your own ‘Electrical Inspection Checklist' relevant to the classroom using the one in the policy as a guide.

OHS Safe Equipment

1. What should all employers (VU) aim to take steps to provide?

2. What has the potential to cause injury and/or damage to individuals, property and the environment?

3. Define ‘Hazard' and provide examples.

4. What is the ‘Hierarchy of Control' and how does it work?

5. Explain the term ‘Reasonably practicable' and how it relates to hazards.

6. Define ‘Risk', ‘Risk Assessment' and ‘Risk Management'.

7. Define the aim of ‘Housekeeping' in regards to OHS Safe Equipment?

8. What would you as a HOD Hair & Wigs (Manager) be required to do regarding housekeeping procedures?

9. What should ‘Inspections' and ‘Storage' ensure?

10. What does the Legislative framework in OH&S comprise of? (Name all three and summarise them)

11. Name the 2 main types of Standards

12. Define the term ‘Duty of Care'?

13. Create your own ‘OHS Housekeeping Checklist' relevant to the classroom using information from the policy as a guide.

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Other Engineering: Wat is the lsquohierarchy of control and how does it work
Reference No:- TGS01673955

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