
Wat is the difference between a socket and a connection


Understanding Internet and TCP Protocols

1. Find and identify the RFCs for IP and TCP.

RFC_______- Internet Protocol
RFC_______- Transmission Control Protocol

2. Refer to the RFCs to answer the following questions.

Questions about IP

1. What two basic functions does IP implement?
2. What four key mechanisms does IP use to provide its service?
3. Via what protocol does IP communicate errors?
4. In the IP header, what is the Identification field used for?
5. A number of bits within the IP header are designated reserved or optional; why would these be important in network security?

Questions about TCP

1. What is the difference between a socket and a connection?
2. What are the five calls the TCP/user interface provides for?
3. What is a passive OPEN request?
4. Describe the three-way handshake.
5. At a workstation, open some web pages.

Identify the ports your machine is listening on and the state of the various connections it is holding.

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Computer Networking: Wat is the difference between a socket and a connection
Reference No:- TGS02253884

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